Spring Carnival 2019
5/19/19, 4:00 PM
Our Spring Carnival, held last Saturday, May 18th was a huge success. We had a bright and sunny day, the first in a while, and a very large turnout.

Our families had so much fun socializing with one another. Many have expressed to us what a great time they had. The children particularly enjoyed jumping in the bouncy castles! They also had fun painting flower pots and planting seeds, beading Fruit Loop and Cheerio bracelets, making Scratch Art, playing with jewels in play doh, eating cotton candy, lunching at our Café Sunshine, and playing on the playground. We were so excited to have members of the public attend our special event. Our lucky 50/50 Raffle winner walked away with $237 and the school is looking into using its 50% of the pot to purchase a composting system.
We are making efforts to be “greener” at our school and to educate everyone how they can take care of the earth for future generations to come. For the first time, we had a garbage, recycling, and composting station near the Sunshine Café. The Sellar family kindly set it up and were on hand throughout the event to help everyone appropriately and efficiently deal with their garbage. We collected —plastic (1.5 garbage cans), —paper/cardboard (1.5 cans), —food scraps (5lbs), and —un-recyclable garbage (1/2 can). Given the large attendance, only ½ a can of actual garbage is amazing! Our youngest citizens were the best at recycling.
A big thank you to all of the parents and staff who supported our only fundraiser of the year by volunteering their time, donating goods to the café, and/or by attending with their families. A special thank you goes to Emily Burley, who chaired the event and to Juliette Gober, who ran the Sunshine Café with Katherine Cain and Nicole Crystal. Including half of the raffle and after expenses, the school made $1,386.21 to be used for materials and tuition assistance. More than that, everyone had fun just being together. What a fabulous way to celebrate the year!